Krups 985 User Manual

Il Caffè Duomo  
Model #985  
Guarantee of  
Perform ance  
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions  
should alw ays be follow ed to reduce the risk of fire, electric  
shock, and/ or injury to persons, including the follow ing:  
G Read all instructions and inform ation in this instruction book  
and any other literature included in this carton referring to  
this product before operating or using this appliance.  
G Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handles or knobs.  
G To protect against fire, electric shock and personal injury do  
not im m erse cord, plugs, or appliance in w ater or other  
G Close supervision is necessary w hen any appliance is used  
by or near children.  
G Unplug from outlet when not in use and before cleaning. Allow  
to cool before putting on or taking off parts, and before cleaning  
the appliance.  
G Do not operate any appliance w ith a dam aged cord or plug  
or after the appliance m alfunctions, or has been dam aged in  
any m anner. Return appliance to your nearest authorized  
KRUPS Service Center for examination, repair or adjustment  
G The use of an accessory not evaluated for use w ith this  
appliance m ay cause injuries.  
G Do not use outdoors.  
G Do not let cord hang over edge of table or counter, or touch  
hot surfaces.  
G Do not place on or near a hot gas or electric burner, or in a  
heated oven.  
G To disconnect, turn any control to “off, then rem ove plug  
from w all outlet.  
G Do not use appliance for other than intended use.  
G Do not unscrew or rem ove boiler cap w hile the m achine is in  
operation. Wait until brew ing cycle is com pleted and all  
w ater and steam has been used up.  
G Appliances w ith Glass Carafes.  
A. The carafe is designed for use w ith this appliance.  
It m ust never be used on a range top.  
B. Do not set a hot carafe on a w et or cold surface.  
C. Do not use a cracked carafe or a carafe having a loose or  
w eakened handle.  
D. Do not clean carafe w ith cleansers, steel w ool pads,  
or other abrasive m aterial.  
Regarding your Cord Set:  
A. A short pow er-supply cord is to be provided to reduce risks  
resulting from becom ing entangled in or tripping over a  
longer cord.  
B. Longer extension cords are available and m ay be used if care  
is exercised in their use.  
C. If a long extension cord is used, (1) the m arked electrical  
rating of the extension cord should be at least as great as  
the electrical rating of the appliance, (2) if the appliance is of  
the grounded type, the extension cord should be a  
grounding-type 3-w ire cord, and (3) the longer cord should  
be arranged so that it w ill not drape over the counter top or  
table top w here it can be pulled on by children or tripped  
D. This appliance has a polarized plug (one blade is w ider than  
the other). As a safety feature, this plug w ill fit in a polarized  
outlet only one w ay. If the plug does not fit fully in the  
outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a  
qualified electrician. Do not attem pt to defeat this safety  
This appliance is for household use. Any servicing other, than  
cleaning and user m aintenance should be perform ed by an  
authorized service representative.  
G Do not im m erse this coffeem aker in w ater or any other  
G To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not rem ove the  
base. No user serviceable parts inside. Repair should be  
done by authorized service personnel only.  
G Check voltage to be sure that the voltage indicated on the  
nam e plate agrees w ith your voltage.  
G Never use w arm or hot w ater to fill the w ater container!  
Use cold w ater only!  
G Never refill the w ater cham ber w hile this coffeem aker is in  
the on-position. Turn the coffeem aker off and let it cool  
dow n for ten m inutes before refilling w ith w ater.  
G Do not place carafe on a hot surface or in a heated oven.  
G Before turning your KRUPS coffeem aker on, please m ake  
sure that carafe sits flat on inside circle of heating plate.  
G Never rem ove carafe before brew ing is com pletely finished  
(this is the case w hen dripping from the filter holder into the  
carafe has stopped com pletely.)  
G Keep your hands and the cord aw ay from hot parts of the  
appliance during operation.  
G Never clean w ith scouring pow ders or hard im plem ents.  
Before First Use  
Genuine Espresso  
We recom m end that you get fam iliar with  
all the parts of your KRUPS espresso  
Espresso is a far richer and stronger brew  
than regular coffee. It should be deep, dark,  
and delicious. Most people find that they  
enjoy it in sm all quantities because of its  
richness, and for that reason, espresso is  
usually served in sm all (2-2 1/2 oz) dem i-  
m achine before using it for the first tim e.  
Insert the filter basket into the filter holder,  
fit the filter holder into the filter rings,  
rem ove and replace the boiler cap. Check  
the different positions of the switch. To  
rem ove any residuals of production which  
m ay rest in the appliance, we recom m end  
operating the espresso m aker (as described  
in Making Espressosection) once or twice  
with water only, without ground espresso  
coffee. Wash all loose parts in warm soapy  
water, rinse thoroughly and dry.  
Your Il Caffè Duom o, properly used, will  
always produce espresso that is deep, dark,  
and delicious. J ust follow the instructions  
and use fresh, well-roasted, pre-ground  
espresso or espresso beans you grind  
Preparing espresso or cappuccino is  
different from brewing regular drip coffee.  
One m ain difference is that the water will  
com e to a boil and will then be forced  
through the ground coffee. This m eans that  
an espresso m achine works under pressure  
and needs special attention.  
Read all instructions, cautions, notes and  
attentions before actually using the  
m achine.  
Never open boiler cap (a) or rem ove filter  
holder (e) while your Il Caffè Duom ois  
turned onor as long as there is pressure  
in the boiler container.  
Do not touch boiler cap (a) during operation.  
Before rem oving boiler cap turn off  
m achine, let it cool down for at least 2 or 3  
m inutes. Relieve pressure. See CAUTION -  
Never m ove or rem ove the filter holder  
while the Il Caffè Duom ois in operation  
and under pressure.  
Please follow the instructions listed below  
to see if the m achine is still under pressure.  
Follow these safety precautions w hile your  
m achine is in use and ten to fifteen m inutes  
after last use.  
Making Espresso  
1. Place your Il Caffè Duom onear an  
electrical outlet and release enough cord  
so that you can plug in the m achine  
(see figure 1).  
G Turn the on/offswitch to the off“  
position and unplug appliance.  
G Carefully open the steam release knob (b)  
by slowly turning it counter clockwise. If  
steam com es out of the nozzle, then the  
boiler cham ber is still under pressure.  
Close steam knob and proceed with  
instructions listed below.  
2. Place the filter basket (i) into the filter  
holder (e) (see figure 2).  
3. Fill with ground espresso. The filter  
basket is m arked on the inside for 2 and 4  
cups. Pack the coffee lightly and clear  
any excess coffee from the rim of the  
filter holder. This will assure proper fit to  
the brewing head (see figure 3).  
G Take a pitcher filled with cold water and  
hold it underneath the steam nozzle with  
nozzle inserted into the pitcher. Then  
open the steam release knob (b) by  
turning it counter clockwise. Leave steam  
release knob open until no m ore steam  
com es out of nozzle. When finished turn  
steam knob clockwise to close.  
Do not pack coffee too tightly.  
Do not fill m ore coffee than indicated by the  
four-cup m arking into the filter basket. This  
m ight cause clogging or overflow .  
G Now you can rem ove the boiler cap and  
the filter holder.  
4. To insert the filter holder, line up the  
arrow located on the thum b guard of the  
filter holder with the arrow on the left  
side of the m achine.  
7. Close the boiler cap securely by turning it  
clockwise (see figure 8). Place carafe lid  
on carafe so that the lid opening points  
towards the pouring spout of the carafe  
(see figure 9).  
Raise the filter holder up into brewing  
head and turn the filter holder firm ly to  
the right, until it can go no further. The  
arrow on the filter holder should be as far  
right in the lock-range as possible. If the  
arrow ist not at least in the m iddle of the  
lock-range, do not operate the m achine.  
Rather, rem ove the filter holder and  
reinsert it as described above until the  
arrow is within the lock-range  
8. Place carafe under the filter holder  
(see figure 10).  
Make sure the overflow grid is in place.  
9. Should you choose to m ake espresso  
directly into two cups, clip the two cup  
adapter onto the filter holder and m ake  
sure that the cups are placed correctly  
underneath the spouts  
(see figure 4).  
By follow ing this procedure this w ill  
prevent the filter holder from being  
dislodged as pressure builds up during the  
brew ing process.  
5. Open the hinged lid and unscrew the  
boiler cap by turning it counterclockwise  
(see figure 5 + 6).  
6. Fill the boiler container with cold water  
using the m arkings indicated on the glass  
carafe (see figure 7).  
(see figure 11 + 12).  
10.Turn the espresso on/offswitch (h)  
on(see figure 13).  
It will take approxim ately 2 m inutes for the  
water to be heated. The water will then be  
forced through the ground coffee into the  
glass carafe or cups.  
11. Wait until all the water in the boiler has  
been used. Switch off the m achine.  
12. Do not unscrew the boiler cap w hile the  
m achine is in operation. Wait until  
brew ing cycle is com pleted and all w ater  
and steam has been used  
Never fill the boiler w hile your Il Caffè  
Duom ois sw itched on.  
Never fill m ore than 20 oz of w ater into the  
The glass carafe has m arkings for 2 and  
4 cups:  
Use caution w hen rem oving the filter  
holder, as the m etal parts m ay still be hot.  
To rem ove the filter holder, turn the filter to  
the left, past the lockm arkings, until the  
holder dislodges from the m achine.  
2 cups of water = 2 cups of espresso  
3 cups of water = 2 cups of espresso, plus  
steam for frothing m ilk for cappuccino  
4 cups of water = 4 cups of espresso.  
Maxim um capacity to the bottom of the  
m etal band around the glass carafe = 4 cups  
of espresso, plus steam for frothing m ilk for  
Cappuccino reportedly takes its nam e from  
the chocolate hues of the robes worn by the  
Capuchin m onks who favored this delicious  
dessert coffee. Cappuccino is traditionally  
m ade up of 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steam ed m ilk  
and 1/3 froth and can be tailored to ones  
own taste with cinnam on, sugar, chocolate  
flakes, or even liquor. Its versatility m akes  
cappuccino a worldwide gourm et choice.  
Never fill the carafe above the bottom of  
the m etal band!  
It is very im portant to fill only the am ount of  
water you need into the boiler. Your Il  
Caffè Duom owill always need to process  
all the w ater until the boiler is em pty.  
Making Cappuccino  
To unscrew the tip, use the opening in the  
m easuring spoon. Make sure that the inside  
of the tip of the steam nozzle is free, so that  
the steam can pass freely to froth m ilk  
G If the Perfect Frothis not attached,  
attach it now (see figure 14).  
1. Pour 4 to 6 oz of fresh, cold m ilk into a  
sm all pitcher. The pitcher should fit  
underneath the steam nozzle.  
G Replace the tip of the nozzle and screw on  
We recom m end using 2 % or skim for a  
stiff, dense froth. Use regular whole m ilk  
if you prefer a cream y froth.  
tightly (see figure 16).  
Steam ing w ithout m aking  
Espresso (Steam plug)  
2. Follow the directions from step 1 to 12 in  
section Making Espresso.  
3. As soon as the first few drops of coffee  
are forced through the filter holder you  
can start frothing the m ilk.  
Make sure your Il Caffè Duom ois cool  
and all pressure has been released  
Place the tip of the steam nozzle half way  
into the pitcher of m ilk.  
4.a) Turn the steam release knob  
counterclockwise to release steam  
(see figure 15).  
1. Insert the steam build-up plug into the  
filter holder (see figure 17).  
2. Fill the boiler container with cold water.  
b) Keep the pitcher slightly tilted so that  
you can always see the position of the  
nozzle as you froth the m ilk.  
For steam only, do not fill the glass carafe  
above the 2-cup m arking. This am ount w ill  
alw ays provide enough steam for frothing.  
In just a few seconds, your m ilk will  
begin to froth. As the froth rises, keep  
lowering the pitcher so that the tip of  
the steam nozzle is always just slightly  
beneath the surface of the rising froth.  
3. Have your pitcher with m ilk ready to heat.  
4. Place glass carafe, with lid, unter filter  
holder and turn m achine on“  
(see figure 13).  
Note: Do not bring m ilk to a boil (this  
will happen if large bubbles start to  
form on the surface of the m ilk).  
5. Open the steam release knob im m ediately  
after turning the m achine on. Stand by  
with your frothing pitcher.  
c)When you have finished frothing m ilk,  
close the steam release knob by turning  
it clockwise while the nozzle is still  
im m ersed in the m ilk. This will avoid  
splattering of the hot m ilk and froth.  
Do not leave the m achine unattended at  
this tim e.  
d) If you prefer stifffroth, let the frothed  
m ilk stand for a m inute.  
It will take approxim ately 30 to 60  
seconds after turning the m achine on for  
the steam to com e out of the steam  
nozzle. Proceed with steps 4.a) and 4.b) in  
the section Making Cappuccino.  
Clogged up steam nozzle  
Milk residuals will build up in the tip of the  
steam nozzle after frothing m ilk. It is very  
im portant that you wipe the steam nozzle  
with a dam p cloth after each use. This will  
help prevent the steam nozzle from clogging  
and will ensure perfect frothing results.  
However, should the steam nozzle becom e  
clogged, proceed as follows:  
6. When all steam is released, close the  
steam release knob and turn off the  
m achine.  
If you do not need all the water for  
steam ing, proceed as follows:  
a) turn off the m achine,  
b)release the rem aining steam pressure into  
another container.  
Let the steam nozzle cool down. Unscrew  
the tip and clean under warm water.  
Do not close the steam release knob before  
all steam is released or m achine has been  
turned off!  
Cleaning the Perfect FrothAttachm ent  
G For a thorough cleaning of the Perfect  
Frothattachm ent, rem ove part C  
(see figure 18).  
(see section CAUTION - PRESSURE).  
All parts should be rinsed in warm water.  
If the sm all suction opening in part A is  
clogged up, it can be opened with a fine  
The top closure of the Perfect Froth“  
attachm ent (see figure 18, part A). has a  
very fine hole which draws air into the m ilk.  
If this tiny hole gets clogged, Perfect Froth“  
will not work properly. Therefore, never  
im m erse the top closure in m ilk or froth.  
Cleaning the Drip Tray  
G The overflow grid can be cleaned by  
rem oving the grid (see figure 19).  
Before cleaning, turn offthe m achine,  
Do not try to open or disassem ble the m ain  
body of the m achine.  
unplug it, and allow it to cool down.  
The filter holder, filter basket, carafe, carafe  
lid, and overflow grid can be put in the  
dishwashers upper rack, away from the  
heating/drying elem ent.  
Decalcifying of the espresso  
m achine  
The espresso m achine m ust be decalcified  
regularly. The frequency depends on the  
hardness of your water and how often you  
use the espresso m achine.  
The m achine can be wiped clean by using a  
dam p cloth. Never im m erse the body of  
your Il Caffè Duom oin water or any other  
liquid. Clean the brewing head with a dam p  
cloth and rem ove ground coffee. If there is  
water left in the boiler cham ber, let the  
m achine cool down, rem ove all loose parts  
and em pty through the top opening by  
turning upside down.  
Before descaling, the brewing sieve on the  
brewing head m ust first be screwed off.  
1. Rem ove all lim e and coffee residues from  
the brewing sieve and the brewing head.  
2. Pull off the Perfect Frothattachm ent.  
Cleaning the Steam Nozzle  
For ecological and health reasons, we  
recom m end the exclusive use of biological  
m aterials such as citric acid, which can be  
obtained from KRUPS Consum er Service  
Departm ent or drugstores.  
Clean the steam nozzle each tim e after you  
have im m ersed it in the m ilk, otherwise the  
inside of the nozzle becom es clogged and  
the m ilk deposits on the outside harden and  
becom e difficult to rem ove.  
3. Dissolve 2 tablespoonfuls of citric acid in  
10 fluid ounces of lukewarm water and  
pour it into the boiler container. Put one  
receptacle under the brewing head and  
another under the steam nozzle.  
G If clogging does occur, unscrew the tip of  
the steam nozzle (see figure 16).  
Rem ove all m ilk particles using a sewing  
needle and rinse under the faucet. Replace  
nozzle tip m aking sure to screw it on tightly.  
(Note: Do not use the filter holder during  
Wipe off the outside of the nozzle with a wet  
cloth. Hold the wet cloth very close to the tip  
of the nozzle and open the steam valve.  
Let the steam escape into the wet cloth for  
one or two seconds, then close the valve.  
Any m ilk residue will then be flushed out.  
4. Open the steam valve and turn on the  
appliance. Allow the descaling solution to  
run out of the espresso outlet and the  
steam nozzle.  
5. After each brewing cycle, switch off the  
appliance and allow the appliance to cool  
6. Repeat this operation once again.  
Problem :  
4. Not enough froth when frothing the m ilk.  
Following this, allow 2 boiler containerfuls  
of clear water to run through the system .  
Switch off the appliance. Allow the  
appliance to cool down. Insert the brewing  
sieve into the brewing head again and push  
the Perfect Frothonto the steam nozzle.  
G Perfect froth attachm ent touches the  
bottom of the pitcher.  
G Perfect froth tip is clogged (see figure 18,  
part A). See also section Cleaning the  
Perfect Froth Attachm ent.  
G Steam nozzle is clogged (see Cleaning)  
Problem s and Causes m aking  
Espresso or Cappuccino  
Preparing Coffee  
(Alw ays check if the appliance is plugged in  
and is in the proper onposition).  
Before m aking your first pot of delicious  
coffee, we recom m end rinsing the coffee  
m aker by running one or two cycles with  
water only, without ground coffee in the  
filter basket. This will rem ove any possible  
dust which m ay have settled during  
Problem :  
1. Espresso leaking from filter holder.  
G Filter holder not properly inserted.  
G Filter holder not pushed in far enough.  
G Internal gasket is dirty and needs to be  
Be sure that the water cham ber is em pty.  
Rem ove any literature, etc if found in the  
water cham ber.  
G Gasket without elasticity, replace it with a  
new one.  
G The lid of the glass carafe m ust be  
properly positioned during the brewing  
process. The front hooks have to be inside  
the carafe and the rectangular part of the  
lid to be pushed down so that it engages  
with the handle of the glass carafe.  
G Coffee powder not cleaned off the edge of  
the filter holder.  
Problem :  
2. Espresso does not com e out.  
GTo release the lid push the rectangular  
part of the lid upwards.  
G Make sure that the swivel filter is closed  
properly during the brewing process.  
Push in firm ly until the handle touches the  
side of the coffee m aker and filter clicks“  
into place.  
G No water in boiler container.  
G No coffee in filter holder.  
G Filter clogged because coffee is ground  
too fine and or pressed down too hard.  
G Caution: If the swivel filter is not closed in  
properly the Stop N Servecan not  
function. This m ay cause hot water or hot  
coffee to overflow.  
Problem :  
3. Steam does not com e out of steam  
G The Stop N Servem echanism is  
opened as long as the glass carafe is  
inserted into the m achine and sits  
properly on the warm ing plate and the  
swivel filter is closed properly. When  
brewing coffee m ake sure the glass carafe  
is in place (see Stop N Serve section).  
G No water or not enough water in the  
boiler cham ber.  
G Steam nozzle is clogged  
(see Cleaningsection).  
G Perfect froth attachm ent is clogged  
(see Cleaning the Perfect Froth).  
Putting in the Ground Coffee  
StopN Serve Feature  
The Stop N Serve feature is KRUPSanswer  
to the im patient coffee drinkers clam our for  
a quick cup of coffee! This device  
autom atically stops the flow of brewed  
coffee through the filter cone if the glass  
carafe is rem oved from the warm ing plate  
during the brewing cycle. You have about  
20 seconds between the rem oval of the  
carafe and it being reinserted back onto the  
warm ing plate.  
1. Swing out the swivel filter (see figure 20)  
and insert a paper filter. We recom m end  
using KRUPS size 2. When inserting a  
paper filter m ake sure the seam is pointing  
towards the base of the filter holder  
(see figure 21).  
Use your hands to conform the filter to  
the contours of the filter holder. This will  
enable you to achieve better results.  
2. Put ground coffee into the filter holder  
(see figure 22). We suggest using one  
level KRUPS m easuring spoon of ground  
coffee for each cup of robust brewed  
coffee. After using your KRUPS coffee  
m aker several tim es, you can adjust the  
quantity to suit your own taste.  
The Stop N Serve device closes off the filter  
cone so effectively that there is virtually no  
coffee dripping onto the warm ing plate.  
Once the carafe is replaced, the brewing  
process and the flow of coffee into the  
carafe will resum e.  
We do not recom m end using coffee that  
is ground to a powder-like consistency, as  
this will prevent water from passing  
through the coffee.  
Should significant am ounts of coffee drip  
onto the warm ing plate after the rem oval of  
the carafe, it is usually an indication that the  
seal in the filter holder is m issing or  
defective, in this case call the  
3. Close the swivel filter and m ake sure that  
it is com pletely closed (see figure 23).  
Make sure that the filter paper does not fold  
over when closing the swivel filter, otherwise  
the water m ight run between the filter paper  
and the filter holder producing a very weak  
cup of coffee.  
KRUPS Consum er Service Departm ent at  
1-800-526-5377 and they can assist you.  
It is also possible that too m uch ground  
coffee has been placed in the filter paper.  
This causes the water that jets into the filter  
cone to overflow between the filter and the  
sides of the filter cone.  
Filling the Water Cham ber  
1. Open the hinged water cham ber lid  
(see figure 24). Pour in the desired  
quantity of water (see figure 25).  
If this blockage and subsequent dripping  
does occur, put the glass carafe  
im m ediately back onto the warm ing plate,  
and allow the full brewing cycle to run its  
course. Do not swing out the swivel filter  
until the brewing process is com pleted.  
The am ount of freshly brewed coffee  
delivered after the brewing process will  
always be slightly less than the am ount  
put into the water cham ber. This is due to  
the m inim al absorption of the water by the  
ground coffee. Therefore, put in a little  
m ore water to begin with so that you will  
have the num ber of cups that you desire.  
2. Place the glass carafe with lid in position  
on the warm ing plate.  
3. Turn onyour Il Caffè Duom ousing  
the coffee on/offbutton (m ). The  
indicator light will illum inate indicating  
that the brewing process has begun  
(see figure 26).  
4. As long as the red indicator light is  
illum inated the coffee will be kept warm .  
The hot descaling solution m ust be allowed  
to cool down before being poured into the  
water container. Finally do the sam e twice  
using clear water.  
G Always unplug this appliance before  
cleaning. Clean the filter basket, carafe,  
and lid in a solution of warm water and  
m ild liquid soap. These parts can also be  
placed in the upper level of your  
Lim ited One Year Warranty  
dishwasher away from the heating and  
drying elem ent for safe effective cleaning.  
Your KRUPS #985 is covered by the  
following warranty:  
G Never use scouring agents.  
G Never im m erse the appliance itself in  
water. To clean, sim ply wipe off with a  
soft, dam p cloth.  
If from date of purchase within one year this  
KRUPS product fails to function because of  
defects in m aterials or workm anship,  
KRUPS North Am erica will, at its option,  
repair or replace the unit without charge,  
provided the owner has a proof of date of  
G Never use a cloth to clean inside of the  
water cham ber, as this m ight leave fuzzy  
deposits in the cham ber. J ust rinse with  
cold water periodically.  
This warranty will be void if m alfunction  
was caused by dam age to the product by  
accident, m isuse, use on frequency or  
voltage other than m arked on the product  
and/or described in the instructions, abuse  
including tam pering, dam age in transit, or  
use for com m ercial purposes. This warranty  
gives you specific legal rights, and you m ay  
also have other rights which m ay vary from  
state to state.  
Decalcifying of the  
coffeem aker  
The coffeem aker m ust be decalcified  
regularly. The frequency depends on the  
hardness of your water and how often you  
use the coffeem aker.  
Recognizable indications that descaling is  
necessary are:  
- increased noise during boiling  
- longer preparation tim e.  
For the best result...  
If usage is frequent, descaling should be  
carried out as follows:  
...always use fresh, cold water (warm  
water m ight be stale and have m ineral  
deposits which would im pair the flavor  
of the coffee).  
- with soft water once a year  
- with m edium hard water every quarter  
...we recom m end that you grind your  
own beans. Freshly ground beans deliver  
m ore arom a and flavor. Use one KRUPS  
m easuring scoop of beans per cup.  
- with hard water once a m onth.  
In doubt regarding the water hardness in  
your area, you m ay call your local water  
departm ent.  
...serve coffee im m ediately after  
For ecological and health reasons, we  
recom m end the exclusive use of biological  
m aterials such as citric acid, which can be  
obtained from KRUPS Consum er Service  
Departm ent or drugstores.  
...never reheat coffee.  
Dissolve 2 tablespoonfuls of citric acid in  
1/2 quart water and pour into the water  
container. Run this through 2 or 3 tim es as if  
m aking coffee, but using no ground coffee.  
This fine KRUPS product is m anufactured according to a rigid code of  
quality standards, and, w ith m inim um care, should give years of  
satisfying service.  
How ever, should the need arise for repairs or for replacem ent parts  
w ithin or after the w arranty period, please call our CONSUMER  
(800) 526-5377  
24-hours a day, 7 days a w eek  
You w ill be provided w ith specific instruction on how to get your  
product repaired, as w ell as the nam e and address of your nearest  
authorized KRUPS Service Center. The departm ent w ill also be able  
to answ er any general product questions you m ay have.  
Before calling the Consum er Service Departm ent, please have the  
type num ber of your KRUPS appliance available.  
You m ust have this inform ation before calling our Consum er Service  
Departm ent so that w e m ay better answ er your questions. The type  
num ber can be located by looking at the bottom of your appliance.  
This product is Type #985  
Any general correspondance can be addressed to:  
KRUPS North Am erica, Inc.  
P.O. Box 3900  
Peoria, IL 61612  
1097/ / 985  
US 72793  

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